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26 enero 2014

Rumors freeze corporate Windows 8 uptake.

Hello all,

In the link below, we find some reasons why companies do not want to migrate to Windows 8.

I would recommend you to install Ubuntu or any distribuition of GNU/Linux, because: is free, is more easy to use (user scope) and is less expensive because the servers in linux needs few resources.

On one hand, the version LTS has a limited life of 5 years but the migration to a new release is very easy, to user and machine scope, because usually Ubuntu do not demand more resources.

On another hand, Ubuntu is a vampire in resources if you compares with Win7 or WinXP. But the new S.O of the guys of Redmond, needs more PC resources than Ubuntu and furthermore is necessary coaching the user in use of the new desktop (in GNU/Linux you can choose the desktop in more options, the most popular are Unity, gNome, KDE...)

The selection is very large and requires a lot of resources and time. Usually the option choosen is Windows.

In the link below, I attach the article to read about this interesting world.

Good read.

Thanks a lot.

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